Nike Adekunle is a certified Coach and Counsellor with expertise in Emotional Health, Competence and Behavioural Therapy.
She is a Certified Marriage Instructor with the Family Wellness Associates (North Carolina, USA) and President of the SWiM Concepts Limited. She holds a from the University of Lagos and a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Glasgow (Scotland).
Request your counseling and coaching session by using the form below.

Emotional Therapy Sessions
We know it is difficult for most people to navigate their emotional terrain. Most people do not know how to communicate what they are feeling neither do they know how to communicate what they expect from others. Growing up, some have been badly bartered and emotionally traumatized. We help you heal from past emotional hurts and equip you with skills to live healthy emotional lives.

Relationship Coaching Services
We work with both single and married people who need guidance on how to run their relationship

Specialized Family Restructuring
This refers to separated, divorced and blended family structure. We offer support to this unique family dynamics and their wards so that they can build emotionally healthy and stable marriage and children.

Self Discovery/Development Coaching
We work with people who are interested in achieving their full potential to develop self-awareness and mastery.